Office Building Solution

Platform 1 Software Access Control
- Door Interlocking
- Active download
- Global Anti-Passback (Peer to Peer)
- Unlimited Access Group Configuration
- Customizable Card Format
- Interactive Floor Plan
- Alarm Monitoring
- Alarm door status monitoring
- Staircase Door monitoring
- Fire Release
- Support Thousands Door
- Support from Single Site to Multi Site/Branch
- Support Multi Monitor
- Support OSDP Reader protocol
- Support Entrypass Face recognition thermal Reader
- Support biometric reader
- Support QR Reader
- Support Redundancy server
- Wizard Based Configuration
- Online Guard Tour (Pro Version)
- Location Tracking
- Time Attendance Report
- On-Line Transaction Event
- Web Module
- Easy to connect 3rd party software HRIS using XML and Xsocket
- HANWA CCTV Integration System

Conventional Elevator System
- Dynamic I/O Assignment (Reader / Output)
- Multiple Wiegand Group for various card formats
- 10 sets of Facility Code
- Support 128bits AES Encryption for communication
- Adopted standard OSDP Protocol
- Support a maximum of 30,000 card holder, 80,000 event transaction
- 1 Controller Support a maximum of 4 elevator cars, with each elevator serving up to 128 floors Support a maximum of 512 controllable floors
- Flexible I/O Partitioning

High Level Integration Elevator
High Level integration Elevator system ini adalah system elevator yang ter-integrasi dari software elevator ke software access control entrypass sehingga user tidak perlu menekan tombol untuk memilih lantai karena user bisa langsung menggunakan lift ketika access di area gate turnstile
- Reduce Queue time at Peak hour
- Number floor selection inside packed elevator
- Contribute to saving energy
- Short traveling time
- Clear guidance to user

Locker Solution & Key Management System
It allows to identify keys and users and keeps you informed of key issuing and returning. The issuer simply identifies by card, presents the key to be handed over and finally the taker presents his/her card. The management software in the background records date and time the key was taken
- Controlled access to keys
- Equipped with full audit capabilities
- Operates independently of your company IT network
- Scure Storage
- Controlled Access
- Audit usage
- RFID Taging
- Integrated Charging
- Data Syncronization

Staircase Door Monitoring
Staricase Door monitoring keamanan pintu tangga emergency maka di butuhkan monitoring untuk memudahkan petugas keamanan memonitor area gedung dari tindakan pencurian lebih khusus di malam hari
- Centralize monitoring
- Send out notification (Audio & Visible to Guard house)
- Operator Interface
- Visual displays
- Audible alarm devices
- Operator control
- Report

Facilities Booking Management Solution
Facilites Booking System helps you to simplify and manage your facilites booking such as meetng room, sports facilites, conference hall, auditoriums and many more in one system. The system allows you to manage the occupancy, eliminates double bookings and provide insights on the facility usage with cohesive, integrated booking soluton.
- High and reliable performance
- Real-time availability management with scheduling calendar
- Pre-book facilities by daily, weekly and monthly
- Integrated with active directory
- Integrated with card or biometric door access control system
- Email / SMS notifications on requests, approvals and cancellation
- Integrated with tablet display at the facilities of booking details
- Real-time and comprehensive resource room utilization reports